A Candid Moment with Sophora: Leading a Mission

Leading a Mission

Just writing that title makes me cringe a bit with the responsibility of it all. For me leading an agency that has a profound mission are a blessing and an honor. It's also something heavy and can have you second-guessing yourself. The agency I lead has a mission rooted in the women's movement (the feminist in me is cheering) AND a legacy of being the first domestic violence shelter in the country, no pressure, right? The thing is, leading a mission isn't just about keeping the legacy alive; that is a must, of course, but it's also making sure that the task doesn't wither away in the future. How do you think far enough ahead to anticipate how your mission needs to stretch and expand yet not so far that it creeps out of its original reason for being?  I want to believe that everyone, our donors, supporters, community, and stakeholders, wants to come on this journey of evolution with us. Still, I also have to accept that this is not going to be the case with everyone. Some will want us to remain the small boutique non-profit, not knowing that we struggled to be sustainable; some will want us to grow but "stay in our lane," serving the population they see as the neediest. Then some will come to understand the complexity of a 50-year-old mission that must ebb and flow with the changes in society. However, the responsibility of such a legacy and the need to progress will always be a balancing act.  

With Love and Leadership,



A Candid Moment with Sophora: Self-Care


A Candid Moment with Sophora: Best Version